Outdoor Classroom Courtyard
In the summer of 2022 our school was lucky enough to work with Enterprise Rent-a-Car to renovate our school courtyard.
Enterprise Rent-a-Car had recently opened a new branch in Tallaght and were looking to work with the local community to celebrate.
Enterprise organised for the renovation of the courtyard which included a significant investment and a lot of volunteer time. The work included repainting the entire courtyard, purchasing and installing two new pergolas, the purchase of of two vegetable planters and the repaving of the ground.
The outdoor classroom is located in our school garden. It will provide children and teachers with the opportunity to learn outdoors while remaining sheltered from the wind of the Dublin Mountains. The three planters will give our classes the chance to grow vegetables throughout the year.
It is a wonderful space and a fantastic resource for our school community to use.
The photos below are from the opening of the new Outdoor Classroom Courtyard which was attended by members of Enterprise, local politicians and members of the school Parents’ Association and the Board of Management.