Your Home Learning Guide


With the news that schools are going to be closed, we are anxious that we need to continue with teaching and learning in St Maelruains COI National School. However, we also want to keep the connection between home and school. This guide aims to let you know how we will be interacting with you and your child(ren) over the coming months.

We have to look after “happy” and “safe” before we look at “learning” so please don’t feel under pressure! Engage as much as you can. Not every family will be in a position to participate in Home Learning activities. As a staff, we understand this and value every family’s decision equally. There is no obligation on families to complete the activities we will suggest. Everyone’s main focus should be on keeping safe and healthy.

Things you need to know:

Suggested Timetable for your child(ren)’s day

Assessing Work

We will approve and interact with the work that students have submitted on SEESAW. We will offer praise and encouraging feedback for all efforts. We will be asking families for help in some assessments by asking you to check if your child(ren)’s answers are correct, and that appropriate levels of effort are shown for the work being completed at home. We will provide feedback where appropriate.

Tech Support?

There are a few things that can go wrong and please don’t hesitate to ask for help. The main things at the beginning will be accessing the various tools. We can generally help you so a quick email to will generally work but if we can’t help, we will send a message to our Tech Experts.

Accessing Books and Other Resources

We will post here hyperlinks and resource tips for you to access online. Many publishers and educational websites have created free access to material during this time.

Any other questions?

Feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.

Is mise le meas

Tadhg O’Lionaird

School Calendar